
Can Regenerative Medicine Address Foot and Ankle Concerns?

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One of the most interesting aspects of medicine is it is constantly evolving. As new discoveries and technology are identified, insights into the human body keep developing. One of these reasonably new findings is regenerative medicine, which encourages the body’s own healing processes. This article explores two forms of Phoenix regenerative medicine namely, amniotic cell therapy and Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, and how they could be employed to address prevalent foot and ankle concerns. Read on to learn more.

What Is Regenerative Medicine and How Does It Work?

Regenerative medicine replenishes injured cells with healthy tissue to assist the body in mending itself. As with PRP therapy, these healthy cells can sometimes be derived from the individual. In other cases, these tissues are obtained from a donor pool, such as with amniotic cell treatment. Introducing these cells into your body encourages the body’s inherent ability to produce new, healthy cells. Patients normally recuperate faster and can avoid more intrusive procedures such as surgery.

What Exactly Is Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)?

Platelet-rich plasma is precisely what it seems like: plasma high in platelets. A sample of the patient’s blood is put in a centrifuge, isolating the red blood cells from the plasma abundant in platelets.

Studies highlight that PRP therapy helps speed up the recuperation process, and there are two explanations for it. Platelets, for starters, include alpha granules, which are growth factors that aid in the body’s healing process. Secondly, administering PRP into injured tissues causes the synthesis of stem cells, which is another factor that stimulates the body’s inherent healing ability.

Several disciplines, including plastic surgery and sports medicine, are using PRP injections because of their regenerative healing qualities. Additionally, in recent times, PRP has shown to be effective in addressing prevalent podiatry concerns.

How Effective Is PRP in Podiatry Care?

PRP injections can help with a range of concerns, including:

·         PRP injections typically alleviate swelling of the heel and plantar fascia in patients suffering from plantar fasciitis.

·         Upon having PRP injections, patients who have arthritis in their ankle joint experience reduced discomfort. Physicians also report experiencing reduced progression of the illness.

·         After receiving a PRP injection, athletes with Achilles tendinopathy experienced quicker healing and reduced discomfort. Whether you have an acute trauma like a rupture or chronic tendinitis, PRP injections can help.

·         PRP injections promote quicker wound healing and reduced infection risk for venous ulcers, pressure ulcers, and diabetic foot wounds.

In circumstances when surgery is necessary, patients who had PRP injections also experience shorter healing periods.

What Exactly Is Amniotic Cell Therapy?

Amniotic cell therapy stimulates the synthesis of your body’s stem cells, which boosts tissue development. This regeneration activates the body’s natural healing, alleviating swelling and lubricating joints for enhanced mobility.

Cells are extracted from tissues within the umbilical cord and amniotic membrane following a C-section. The American Association of Tissue Banks employs a thorough screening process for all donations, as directed by the US Food and Drug Administration (USDA).

How Effective Is Amniotic Cell Therapy in Podiatry Care?

Amniotic cell therapy is part of today’s most intriguing medical breakthroughs. Some experts even believe that they can replace complete organs in the future through this process. In foot and ankle care, amniotic cell injections have proven effective in addressing foot ulcers, chronic heel discomfort, tendon rupture, and Achilles tendinitis. Healing starts instantly after your injection, with healthy tissues gradually substituting injured cells in weeks or months, based on the severity of the trauma.

Numerous conditions could affect your feet and ankles, culminating in considerable discomfort and pain. Fortunately, regenerative medicine can help you obtain relief and start feeling your best again without surgery. To discuss your concerns and explore a regenerative care solution that works for you, call the Phoenix Foot and Ankle Institute office or request an appointment online today.