
Diagnosis For Balance Disorders

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In 2008, almost 15% of adults in the United States (33 million) had a balance or dizziness problem. Different health disorders that cause a balance disorder will be investigated if you have one. Any medications you are taking will be looked into as a possible cause. For example, some easy movements to help remove the otoconia from the semicircular canal will be prescribed if you have BPPV. The Epley maneuver is the name for these motions. Only qualified medical experts should execute these techniques to rule out neck or back damage. Similarly, if you have Ménière’s disease, Dr. Roy Rivera may advise you to make some lifestyle and nutritional adjustments. You will require to:

  • Reduce the amount of salt you consume.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Consume alcohol in moderation.
  • Reduce your caffeine intake.

Your doctor will administer medication to reduce your symptoms, and surgery may be recommended in severe cases. A vestibular therapist can help you cope with your dizziness by developing a personalized treatment plan. Vestibular rehabilitation exercises may also be taught to you.

Definition of a balance disorder

A condition that causes you to feel unsteady or dizzy is known as a balance disorder. You may feel like you are moving, spinning, or floating, whether standing, sitting, or lying down. If you are walking, you can feel like you are about to fall over. Everyone experiences dizziness from time to time, yet the term “dizziness” can signify different things to different individuals. Dizziness can be a short feeling of faintness for one individual or an acute sensation of spinning (vertigo) that lasts an extended period for another. Certain medical issues, drugs, or a malfunction in the inner ear or brain can all contribute to balance issues. A balance impairment can significantly impact daily activities and psychological and emotional distress.

How do you keep your balance?

Pressure sensors all over your body give information to your brain about where you are in relation to the rest of the environment. This is referred to as proprioception. Hundreds of sensory hair cells and clusters of microscopic hair-like extensions process these impulses in the inner ear. Sound activates the hair bundles, opening channels and transferring information to the brain via electrical signals. This information, coupled with indications from your eyes, bones, and joints, is used by the brain to maintain balance.

Causes of balance disorders

The inner ear is the most prevalent medical ailment that causes balance problems. Ear infections, low or high blood pressure, a head injury, or other brain-related issues are all potential triggers. Balance problems can appear out of nowhere and have no visible explanation. It is also possible that ear-toxic medications are at blame. Conditions like eye muscle imbalance or arthritis — in other words, illnesses that affect your visual or skeletal system – can also affect your vision. Balance problems become more common as people get older. Our multisensory motor control deteriorates as we become older, contributing to dizziness and postural abnormalities.

If you or someone you know has fallen unexpectedly, see your doctor for a balance condition assessment. Call Crom Rehabilitation or book a consultation today for a customized balance disorder treatment plan.