
What You Need To Know About Recovering after Lumbar fusion

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The lower back problem exists because a person has strained muscles or has assumed the wrong posture. If your lower back pain results from the mentioned reasons, you can get relief through medication and physical therapy. If the pain persists, you have an issue with your spinal cord, which needs a neurosurgeon. The Polaris Spine and Neurosurgery Center has a specialist who performs lumbar fusion Bethlehem using the latest techniques. This paper will learn more about recovering from lumbar fusion.

·         What Is Lumbar Fusion

As mentioned, the lower back pain can become disabling because of the movement between two vertebral columns. When the vertebrae move, you will experience pain, necessitating the neurosurgeon to recommend lumbar fusion. Besides, the pain can also occur because of a herniated disc, broken vertebrae, or arthritis in the spine. The fusion happens through the use of a bone graft either from your body or from the lab. The bone graft will fuse the two vertebrae and cause them to grow as one bone.

·         The Procedure

The surgeon will book you for surgery after establishing that the pain results from an issue with the spinal cord. On the day of the surgery, you will receive anesthesia so that you do not feel any pain during the procedure. The surgeon proceeds to make an incision using robotic technology. After the surgeon accesses the vertebrae, they place the bone graft on them and fuse it using screws, plates, and rods to hold them together. The healing process begins, and you will receive care at the hospital for two days and then get discharged.

·         Dos and Don’ts When Recovering At Home

On the day you are discharged, you should have organized yourself on how you will get home. You will feel discomfort and stiffness for the first few weeks. You will need to take your pain medication as directed by the physician. You should avoid straining for the first month or so, such as standing or sitting. After a month, you might manage to take a few steps, but you should try moving a little one step at a time. Your doctor will also provide you with a brace or recommend buying one to secure the back so that you heal.

After the second month, you can talk to your doctor about returning to work for a few hours if your work does not involve straining. You should avoid driving yourself for the better part of the first month. Also, avoid straining while passing stool; if you have constipation, you can consult your doctor. Attend scheduled therapies without fail because they will help you heal faster.

You should, however, remain observant so that you can call your doctor immediately if you notice bleeding and chest pain. Also, if the wound area becomes swollen or inflamed, you should go to the hospital. Stiffness of the leg is also a warning sign that you need immediate medical care.

Therefore do not live a miserable life because of persistent lower back pain, whereas you can get treated for the same. At the Polaris Spine and Neurosurgery Center, you will find a team of the best neurosurgeons, physical therapists, and pain medicine who will take you through the procedure and healing process. Book your appointment today.