
A Detailed Account on a Hair Transplant

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Excessive hair loss on the scalp (baldness) is a common type of hair loss that mainly occurs with age. It is an inherited condition that often begins as gradual thinning on top of the head. Some people take hair loss in stride, while others may cover it up with hats, hairstyles, and scarves. If hair loss is harming your self-esteem, you may be happy to know that Shreveport hair replacement can help restore your lost hair. The different hair replacement options include laser treatment, hair transplant, platelet-rich therapy, and regenerative medicine.

What is a hair transplant?

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure whereby your plastic or dermatological surgeon removes hair from the back or side of the head to a bald area. The procedure usually takes place in a medical office under local anesthesia. Your surgeon may use one of the following approaches for a hair transplant.

  • Follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS). With this technique, the surgeon removes 6 to 10 inches of skin at the back of your head, sets it aside, and sews the scalp close. The surgeon then divides the strips into several grafts, each with an individual hair or a few hairs. Using a scalpel, the surgeon creates slits and carefully places each graft into one of the holes. The number of grafts you get depends on the amount of coverage needed.
  • Follicular unit extraction (FUE). For this approach, the surgeon shaves the back of your scalp and removes hair follicles from that area. The surgeon creates holes to implant the hair follicles into the bald spot. With the help of the surgical team, your surgeon carefully implants individual hairs into each hole. This hair transplant requires more time but offers more natural-looking results than follicular unit strip surgery.

What are the risks of a hair transplant?

A hair transplant is a safe procedure when performed by a qualified and skilled, board-certified surgeon or dermatologist. Still, the outcome is not entirely predictable since people’s physical reactions and healing abilities vary greatly. A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that poses various health risks, as with any operation.

Common risks associated with a hair transplant include infection, excessive bleeding, and stretch-back scars caused by tension. The hair contained in the plugs usually falls out during recovery, but sometimes the skin plug dies, and you may need revision surgery. Small bumps may also form on the transplant site; surrounding hair can hide these areas.

Sometimes hair loss progresses after surgery resulting in an unnatural patchy look. This is more likely to happen if the grafts are transplanted next to hair patches that continue to thin out. You may require additional surgery to combat this.

Recovery after a hair transplant

After a hair transplant, your scalp will be sore, but pain medications can help relieve the discomfort. Your doctor may also prescribe antibiotics to minimize your risk of infection and anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent or bring down swelling. The transplanted hair will fall out two to three weeks after the procedure to make way for new hair growth. You may notice some new hair 8 to 12 months after surgery.

Book a session with the specialist at Kenneth Sanders Facial Plastic Surgery to determine the right hair replacement option for you.