
6 Tips for Safe Recovery after a Shoulder Surgery

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A shoulder replacement surgery aims to replace the worn parts of your shoulder joints. Common reasons for shoulder surgery include Rheumatoid arthritis, Post-traumatic arthritis and avascular necrosis. In addition, a traumatic injury after an accident may necessitate a shoulder replacement West Orange surgery.

After the surgery, you need to take care of yourself to ensure a safe recovery. Here are tips for safe recovery after shoulder surgery;

1.      Sleep in the right position

Ensuring you are sleeping in the appropriate posture is a vital component of the recuperation process. Sleeping in an improper posture might aggravate your discomfort and put undue pressure on your shoulder.

Even when sleeping, it is best to put your arm in a sling to avoid movement and safeguard your shoulder. Start sleeping on the side of your body where the operation was not performed, and if the discomfort subsides, change to lying flat on your back.

2.      Be aware of complications

You should be knowledgeable about the complications associated with shoulder surgery so that you may seek extra medical help if necessary. If you see a yellow discharge from the wound surface, consult your doctor.

Other symptoms of complications you should be cautious of include high temperature and severe pain in your shoulder that does not respond to pain medicine. It is critical not to overwork yourself and return to normal activities before completely healing your shoulder.

3.      Practice Physiotherapy Exercises

After shoulder surgery, home physiotherapy exercises are excellent ways to continue everyday activities and exercise. Your physical therapist will go through your daily workout plan with you so that you know what to do when you get home. You should carefully follow the workouts they provide and avoid overexerting your strength. If you feel tired or painful, take a break since your muscles need time to adjust and recuperate.

4.      Use Ice and Heat Compressions

Compressions are beneficial to many individuals during their recovery after shoulder surgery. You may use  Ice packs within the first few weeks of your recovery to help with discomfort and inflammation around the shoulder.

After one week following shoulder surgery, you may use heat packs on the shoulder to relieve pain. It is good to alternate between cold and heat compressions to relieve discomfort, but don’t put them directly on your skin.

5.      Take pain medication as prescribed

Always follow your doctor’s instructions while using pain medications. Anti-inflammatory drugs, opioids, and local anesthetics may be administered following shoulder surgery.

Opioids are very addictive, so it is important not to go beyond your doctor’s advice. Pain relievers should only be used for as long as they are needed. If severe pain persists, this should also not be overlooked.

6.      Take care of the dressing

Another thing to be aware of is how to care for your dressing properly. Follow your physician’s instructions on how often you should clean your bandage and how to care for it.

A week following surgery, the doctor usually removes your sutures. After this, avoid soaking the scar area in hot water for long periods, such as in the shower. After showering,  dry the wound thoroughly, but do it delicately.

After shoulder surgery, you need to take care of yourself to help you recover quickly. Wait until you have fully recovered before resuming your normal daily duties. In addition, follow the above tips for a smooth recovery process.

Contact Orange Orthopaedic Surgeons to schedule shoulder replacement surgery.