
Types and Complications of Sinus Surgery

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Sinuses are cavities in your skull located around your eyes and nose, within your front face. Sinus surgery is a treatment technique that focuses on unblocking your sinuses’ pathways. Doctors use this procedure on patients with ongoing or recurrent sinus infections, defects in sinus structure, or abnormal sinus growths. Before recommending Surprise sinus surgery, your doctor will have tried other treatment options like allergy medications, oral steroids, antibiotics, or nasal sprays. The main goal of sinus surgery is to remove anything blocking the sinus drainage pathways like polyps, mucous membrane, damaged tissues, tumors, and bone pieces.

Types of sinus surgery

Endoscopy: This is the most common form of sinus surgery. Endoscopy involves your doctor inserting thin and flexible instruments known as endoscopes. One tool has a tiny camera lens that sends pictures back to a video screen. Your doctor can see where your sinuses are blocked and guide other devices to remove polyps or scar tissue. No cuts are involved in this procedure, leading to a quick recovery. You can go home on the same day.

Balloon sinuplasty: This is a newer form of surgery. Doctors use it if nothing is removed from your sinuses. Balloon sinuplasty involves your physician inserting a thin tube attached to a small balloon on its end into your nose. The doctor will guide the balloon to the blocked section in your nose and inflate it. After the surgery, your sinus pathways will be unblocked, minimizing congestion.

Complications of sinus surgery

Bleeding: Although bleeding tends to occur within the first twenty-four hours after surgery, in some cases, it can occur later, after weeks or days. Sometimes a clot can develop within the bony partition of your nasal passages, and your surgeon must remove it.

Eye damage or surrounding tissues: Sinuses are so close to the eyes, so bleeding can sometimes happen in your eyes. Eye bleeding occurs when the thin bone layer that separates your sinus from the eye is damaged. In rare cases, blindness can occur. The muscles that move your eyes can also hurt, leading to temporary or permanent double vision. The functioning of your tear ducts can be altered, leading to excessive tearing.

Smell or taste loss: After the sinus surgery, your sense of smell improves after the restoration of airflow. Loss of smell and taste can worsen in severe swelling or infection. Sometimes it is temporary, but it can also extend for a long period.

Infection: Despite sinus infection being a reason for sinus surgery, other issues can result after this surgery.

Nasal issues: Sinus surgery helps improve airflow, but in some instances, it can worsen nasal problems. Small amounts of scar tissue can build up in your nasal passages requiring another technique to remove.

Intracranial complications: During sinus surgery, your septum can become damaged. Brain fluid can leak into your nose leading to infections in the lining of your brain, such as meningitis.

However, complications rarely occur after sinus surgery. Ensure the surgeon that carries your operation is qualified and experienced to minimize or avoid side effects and complications. Schedule an appointment at Oasis Ear, Nose, and Throat for sinus surgery to unblock your sinuses.