
Benefits of Working in an Office vs. Remote work

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With the introduction of flexible-working plans following lockdown measures, many companies are giving their employees the choice whether they want to come back into the office or continue to work from home. Remote working was once disliked by employers, however following its huge culture shift, it has become a permanent working style for many businesses and this has caused an increase in popularity for hybrid working. Here, we take a look at the benefits of both working from home and working in an office, to help you decide what’s best for you. 

Benefits of Working from Home

1. Flexibility

Arguably, one of the most idealistic advantages to working from home is the flexibility that it enables employees to have. The majority of remote jobs don’t require you to work the traditional 9-5, so you can fit your working hours around your personal commitments. 

According to a study by Buffer, 40% of respondents stated that the flexible schedule is the biggest benefit to remote working. The freedom of a remote job allows you to spend more time focusing on other aspects of your life other than work, which ultimately increases job satisfaction. 

2. Productivity

Without the distractions and interruptions of co-workers in the office, remote workers are more likely to be more productive and get the work done quicker in their own space. With more productivity, employees are less likely to “quiet quit”. The term ‘quiet quitting’ is where you’re not outright quitting your job, but you’re quitting the idea of going above and beyond. Working from home could be argued to lessen the chances of this, as employees are more focused on getting work done. In a recent survey, 51% of workers say they are more focused and productive when working at home in a quieter environment. 

3. Improves Mental Health

Busy commutes to work, performance pressure and long days in the office can all result in a build up of stress, taking a toll on your mental health. Working from home can help employees to stay in touch with their personal lives and the flexibility of remote work gives them more time to socialise, exercise and take regular breaks – all things which improve mental health and wellbeing. 

Benefits of Working in the Office

1. Work Environment

By working from home, employees can miss out on the social interaction and strong company culture that working in an office brings. Employees may find it harder to switch off when remote working, so working in the office allows for a healthier work-life balance where they can go home after a day of work and relax. 

2. Creativity

Working within a team of colleagues can motivate employees as they are able to work together to network and share ideas, resulting in more creative work. This pushes employees to achieve their potential by challenging themselves and developing their skills. A report by Lane 4 Performance suggests that a high level of creativity generates a passionate company culture, which is beneficial for revenue growth and employee retention.

3. Training and Development

Opportunities for training and development are much more likely to arise when you are physically in the office and interacting with staff in higher levels. Areas of strengths and weaknesses are more likely to be addressed and employees will be able to become more experienced in different projects or skills. This is a vital part of employee satisfaction and boosting morale within the company.There are benefits for both working in an office and remote working and the hybrid work model has gained popularity since the pandemic.