
What is Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery?

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Wisdom teeth consist of three sets of teeth that appear at age 17 to 25. Most people with small mouths do not have enough space for all their wisdom teeth to grow out naturally. Specialists at ARIZONA DENTAL HEIGHTS recommend Mesa wisdom teeth extractions to address issues resulting from impacted teeth.  

What is the purpose of wisdom tooth removal surgery?

Wisdom teeth impaction can pose severe dental concerns like increasing a patient’s risk of infection, decay, tooth or bone loss. It would be best to remove the wisdom teeth early before severities develop. Wisdom teeth removal helps patients maintain oral hygiene and thus prevent related problems like periodontal disease.

What does wisdom teeth removal surgery involve?

Wisdom teeth removal surgery is an outpatient procedure. Patients should work with a dental specialist, such as a dentist or an oral surgeon, to successfully remove their wisdom teeth. However, not all patients are candidates for wisdom teeth removal. A dentist needs to identify impaction that may create future dental concerns. For this reason, attending regular checkups is an excellent way of staying aware of your dental status and identifying potential risk factors before your condition worsens. Moreover, not everyone has wisdom teeth.

The number of wisdom teeth you have will determine your risk of impaction. Fortunately, your doctor will use imaging tests like x-rays to detect abnormalities resulting from your wisdom teeth development.

During the procedure, your dentist will remove the teeth by cutting the gums to loosen them, then remove them whole or after cutting them into pieces. Patients must remain under anesthesia to promote comfort and relaxation. However, the type of anesthesia your dentist will need depends on your pain threshold and the number of extractions.

What are the contraindications of wisdom teeth removal surgery?

Dentists recommend wisdom tooth removal for younger patients than those above 20. Younger patients have developing tooth roots. For this reason, it is easier to remove their wisdom teeth. Conversely, older patients have longer and more curved tooth roots, making the wisdom tooth removal process more challenging. Moreover, wisdom teeth removal that occurs later in life involves slower healing.

What are the potential risks of wisdom teeth removal surgery?

Patients should understand the potential risks of wisdom teeth removal before undergoing the procedure. Dentists usually discuss the risk factors of the process during patients’ initial consultation. Some of the most common risk factors of wisdom teeth removal surgery include:

  • Dry socket: Post-op blood clots might get dislodged from the extraction site exposing underlying bones and nerves, a condition called dry socket.
  • Infection
  • Sinus problems

You may also experience soreness in the extraction site for a few days. Your doctor will advise you on what foods you can eat to prevent damage in the area. Most patients who have undergone wisdom teeth removal usually eat soft foods until the extraction site fully recovers. It would be best to receive wisdom teeth extraction from an experienced provider to minimize your risk of developing post-op complications. Contact ARIZONA DENTAL HEIGHTS to schedule your wisdom teeth extractions and prevent future complications.