
All about the Management of Gum Disease

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Ever brushed and felt pain in the gum? It’s common to most people though we sometimes brush it off, blaming it on too-hard toothbrushes or sores due to taking something too hot.   Well, l, should you have persistent pain and bleeding from the gum, you should seek professional advice from a doctor. Some people think brushing after meals is enough to prevent gum diseases, but oral health entails more than that. Gum disease causes inflammation of the gum due to plaque buildup. However, there is no cause for alarm as gum disease Richmond is a one-stop clinic for all gum diseases. Let’s look deeper at symptoms to watch out for

Symptoms of gum disease

The most common are bleeding gums from the gum, bad breath, spitting blood when brushing, swollen gum, tender gum when touched, loss of teeth, a change in how teeth fit in during chewing, painful chewing, and gum pulling away from teeth.

Diagnosis of gum disease

For the dentist to know if one has gum disease, the medical history is taken to see if there are risk factors involved. Symptoms are checked by examining the mouth for any signs of plaque or bleeding. The dentist further measures the pocket depth of the teeth and the gum line. In cases where the dentist finds the pocket depths are deeper, a dental x-ray is done.

Risk factors of gum diseases 

Certain lifestyles and behaviors can put one at a higher risk like; obesity, poor oral hygiene, gingivitis, hormonal changes, tobacco use, certain diseases like diabetes, conditions that decrease immunity like HIV /Aids, and genetics.


If not early detected and treated, gum disease can cause loss of teeth. The bacteria causing the gum disease may further enter the bloodstream causing other diseases like coronary artery disease, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and respiratory diseases.


Prevention is better than cure. Therefore the best method is to observe good oral hygiene. Good oral hygiene means making the mouth a place free from bacteria. Brushing twice daily and flossing to remove the loose food particles can greatly prevent gum diseases. Visiting a dentist when you notice any particular symptom with the gum is very important. If one has more risk factors that can predispose him to gum diseases, he needs to get regular professional cleanings.


Treatment depends if the gum disease is advanced or not. If not advanced, scaling may be done, and it involves removing bacteria and tar from the teeth and beneath the gum. Root planing may be done where the root surface is smoothed to discourage bacteria buildup. Taking antibiotics helps to eliminate the infection-causing bacteria. Where the gum disease may have advanced, dental surgery is needed. It includes bone grafting, which replaces the broken bone with another one that can firmly hold the teeth. Soft tissue grafts were soft tissue reinforced may too, be done. Where the roots are exposed, pocket reduction surgery is necessary.

There is a need to ensure good oral health if gum diseases are a thing of the past. The small symptoms that people overlook may cause irreversible damage, so it’s wise to be a frequent visitor to the dentist for regular checkups. Consult gum disease specialist Juan m Carrillo, DMD, for personalized customer care for this and many more. Place your booking through their website.