
Cosmetic Dental Techniques to Transform Your Smile

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A beautiful smile makes you more attractive while making your life beautiful. However, it does not come just from anywhere. You have to put in the work. Healthy gums and teeth make a good smile. If your smile does not make you happy, the cosmetic dentistry Waterford specialist comes in handy in giving your desired smile. Dr. Taylor’s Family Dental Center offers advanced cosmetic dentistry procedures to enhance your smile. Here is everything you need to know about cosmetic dentistry.

What is cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry involves techniques to improve and better your smile. It consists of cosmetic procedures to enhance your teeth and gums appearance by addressing all the oral concerns that may lower your smile quality.

Dr. Taylor’s Family Center uses the latest and the most advanced cosmetic dentistry techniques to resolve the following dental concerns.

·         Missing teeth

·         Chipped teeth

·         Discolored teeth

·         Crooked teeth

·         Receding gums

·         Cracked or broken teeth

·         Widely gapped teeth

·         Worn out teeth due to grinding

The team may combine different techniques to give your desired smile.

What are the most popular treatments in cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry involves using modern techniques to change the size, shape, and color of your teeth. The procedures include the following.

Teeth whitening

At Dr. Taylor’s Family Dental Center, teeth whitening involves using the ZOOMI teeth whitening system. It consists of hydrogen peroxide and an LED light to brighten your teeth up to eight shades better. You may also benefit from the EPIC whitening technique for exceptional results.


It involves using a tooth-colored composite resin material to fix chips, small breaks, or cracks in your teeth.

Dental crowns

They are tooth-like caps that fit over your teeth. They cover the visible part of your tooth to repair its size, shape, and color. You may also use crowns to strengthen weak teeth.

Porcelain veneers

These are thin shells of porcelain that attach to your teeth’ surface. They correct the size, shape, and color of your teeth. The custom-made veneers fit your teeth to enhance a more polished and whiter look.

Inlays and Onlays

They repair damaged teeth the same way fillings do. Unlike fillings that shrink over time, inlays and Onlays do not change.


They resemble porcelain veneers, only that they are thinner and more translucent. Though Lumineers require less preparation than veneers, they may not be ideal for patients with extreme tooth discoloration.


They are artificial teeth bonded to a pink acrylic base. Dentures use natural-looking materials to restore your teeth.

Dental implants

They are metal screw-like posts, usually made of titanium to replace your natural tooth roots. Dental implants provide a firm foundation to your teeth while restoring the function, look and feel of your natural teeth.

Snap-on smile

It involves improving the appearance of the most visible teeth when you smile. Snap-on smile consists of a removable arch to better your smile.

Smile makeover

It’s a cosmetic procedure that addresses all your dental cosmetic concerns. It involves the use of more than one cosmetic treatment to restore your smile.

A smile complements your beauty, and it makes you more attractive. If you are not content with your smile, cosmetic dentistry techniques can help you achieve your desired smile in no time. Call Dr. Taylor’s Family Dental Center today to schedule your consultation.