
How Does A Hair Transplant Therapy Work

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A hair transplant, which transfers hair from one location on your head to another, can be performed in various methods. Grafting is the most prevalent method. You must have thicker patches of hair on your head to be a suitable candidate. Permanent hair loss can occur for a variety of reasons, including alopecia. The healthcare specialist will take grafts, or tiny pieces of skin, from areas of the body with healthy hair. This location is referred to as the donor site by doctors. It commonly manifests itself on your head, at the back of your scalp, where your hair is thickest. The grafts are moved to bald areas of the scalp by your specialist, Dr. Martin Maag Lakewood Ranch. Hair should regrow after the transplanted skin heals.

What is grafting?

The most prevalent kind of hair transplant surgery is hair grafting. A healthcare practitioner removes microscopic sections of healthy hair off the scalp. They may use a tiny, round punch to remove the skin with 10 to 15 hairs. These grafts were formerly referred to as “hair plugs.” Micro-grafts are made up of one to two hairs. The treatment may take many hours. Most patients remain awake during the procedure but are given medicine to numb the scalp. You may require many operations based on how much hair your specialist needs to move. Between operations, your scalp will need to recuperate for a few months.

Recovery and expectations

Your scalp may be pretty sensitive after surgery. You may require to take pain relievers for a few days. For at least a day or two, your doctor will have you wear bandages over your scalp. The doctor may also give you an antibiotic or an anti-inflammatory prescription to take for a few days. Most individuals can return to work within 2-5 days of the operation. Moreover, after 2-3 weeks, the transplanted hair will fall out, but new growth should appear within a few months. After 6 to 9 months, most individuals will notice 60% new hair growth. Some physicians give the hair-growth medication minoxidil (Rogaine) to enhance hair growth following transplantation, although its effectiveness is unknown.

Risks of hair transplant surgery

Transplants, like any other form of surgery, include inherent risks such as bleeding and infection. Also, scarring and unnatural-looking new hair growth are possibilities. Folliculitis is an inflammation or infection of the hair follicles that occurs around the time new locks begin to form. Antibiotics and compresses can assist alleviate the symptoms. Shock loss occurs when you abruptly lose some of your original hair where you obtained the new strands. However, it is not always permanent. Discuss these concerns with your doctor and how much improvement you can expect from the operation. They can advise you on if it is an excellent choice for you.

People who have had hair transplants often continue to develop hair in the transplanted regions of the scalp. Based on scalp laxity, how loose your scalp skin is, the density of follicles in the transplanted zone, hair quality, and hair curl, the new hair may seem more or less thick. If you do not take medication or get low-level laser therapy, you may continue to lose hair in untreated parts of your scalp. Discussing the expected outcome with your physician and setting reasonable goals is critical. Call Honest Hair Restoration or make an appointment today to determine which hair transplant procedure suit you.