
Key Signs You Could Be Having a Spinal Tumor

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The human spine is a complex structure that bears the weight of your upper body and controls much of your movement. Any problem with it can cause pain, numbness, tingling sensations, or loss of mobility. If you are experiencing any symptoms like these in the back region, it could mean you have spinal tumors. The problem is affecting many people in Edison, New Jersey. Several types of tumors affect the spine, including meningiomas, neurofibromas, schwannomas, and metastatic cancerous cells. A specialist in spinal tumors in Edison, NJ, makes the necessary diagnosis to determine the type. But first, let’s learn the key indicators that it could be a spinal tumor you’re having.

Change in Bowel Habits (Retention)

The spinal cord passes through an opening in the bone called the vertebral column, which is made up of 24 discs that are cushioned by cartilage. A tumor can develop anywhere along the spine, but most often, it occurs between the first and second lumbar vertebrae because they are adjacent to each other. The arches of your vertebrae are also vulnerable to tumors, which can press on the spinal cord and cause your nerve function to be compromised.

Paralysis to Varying Degrees

Cancers like hemangioblastomas and chordomas, rare tumors that can develop in the spinal cord, can cause paralysis to various degrees. Spinal cord injury is often irreversible since nerve cells cannot regenerate. However, these tumors can be removable without compromising the nerve function of your legs or hands.

Spinal Deformities

A spinal deformity can cause a dramatic change in your posture and slouch, as well as a sore spine that doesn’t go away with rest. Other symptoms include chronic back pain, scoliosis, or bladder or bowel control loss. Spinal tumors have to be surgically removed to be cured, but sometimes radiation therapy is recommended.

Pain or Difficulty With Standing Upright

Sciatica, herniated discs, pressure on the spinal cord (due to any of the causes mentioned), and tumors can all make it difficult to stand up straight. Sciatica is nerve pain that shoots down your leg or back due to damage in one of five nerve roots in your lower back.

Difficulty Walking or Paralysis

Walking is a complicated action that involves many of your body’s muscles and nerves. A tumor, benign or cancerous, can cause numbness, loss of feeling in one leg, paralysis on one side of the body, and unexplained aches and pains. This often leads to falls or accidents when walking up or downstairs or from ladders.

Muscle Weakness or Numbness in the Arms or Legs

A back tumor pressing on the spinal cord can weaken or numb one of your arms and legs. If this is the case, you might feel like your limbs “fall asleep” when they are in certain positions for too long. Another classic symptom is that objects slip out of your hands because you have no grip strength.

If you are experiencing any of the critical signs, it is essential to consult with a spinal tumors specialist as soon as possible. A tumor can press on the spinal cord and damage nerve function, leading to paralysis or other debilitating symptoms. Although many tumors can be surgically removed, some may require radiation therapy in addition. Don’t wait until it’s too late- start your journey to diagnosis and treatment today.