
What You Need to Know About Periodontal Reshaping

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Periodontal reshaping is a dental procedure that alters the shape of your gum to give a more appealing smile. New York periodontal reshaping works on receding and overflowing gums that cover your teeth’s crown. Your periodontist can perform the procedure as a general or cosmetic treatment.

There are different causes of uneven gums and they include genetics, certain prescription drugs, and a health condition.

Who is the right candidate?

The right candidate for gum reshaping is the one whose gum sits too high or low. When your gum sits too low on your teeth, it makes your teeth appear shorter and smaller. If your gum sits too high, it can expose your teeth, creating a place for bacteria to grow and thrive, leading to gum disease.   

What does the process entail?

Your dentist will perform the treatment depending on whether your gum sits too low or high. If it sits too low, your specialist might need to cut it to show more teeth. Your dentist will begin the reshaping procedure if it sits too high because of gum recession.

Before they begin the procedure, your dentist will give you numbing medication to ease pain and discomfort. Once you are comfortable, your specialist will use a handheld device or a laser system to reshape your gum line. The technique of the procedure will depend on your treatment and what approach is best for you.

Your dentist will use a special device to hold your lips back as they work on your gum line. They might choose one of two procedures to help you have a confident smile again. The processes include cosmetic periodontal reshaping and periodontal restoration.

While you can have periodontal reshaping as an independent procedure, sometimes, your dentist might perform it before installing dental veneers or crowns. In some cases, your dentist might need to shave off a little bit of your jawbone for a better outcome. The process can take up to two hours, but every case differs.


Your recovery will depend on how many procedures you undergo during the treatment. If you have more than one procedure, you might need more time to recover than someone who has undergone only one treatment method. However, the recovery tips of dental procedures are similar and might involve keeping your mouth clean as the main point.

Other factors to consider are your diet and rest. Your specialist might recommend consuming soft foods like smoothies, yogurt, and eggs. You might have to wait for a predetermined time to consume foods that require you to chew. Remember to follow your doctor’s recovery instructions.

Risks and complications

Although complications are rare, you must watch out for excessive swelling or bleeding and contact your dentist immediately. Choose a skilled and qualified dentist to minimize other complications like the relapse of gum tissue.

If your gums do not align properly in your mouth, visit 286 Madison Dental for gum reshaping. Let experienced cosmetic dentists and staff evaluate your dental health before offering personalized and suitable treatment. Call or book your appointment online today and transform your smile.