
6 Contraception Methods to Address Issues of Unplanned Pregnancies

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Recently, most countries have continued to report high cases of unplanned pregnancies. Some couples are not well literate about controlling measures they can advocate. If you and your partner are sexually active but unwilling to get a child, consulting your health practitioner is an ideal step. What if your provider is fully booked? What will you do? Look no further because the solution lies with contraception San Antonio. The following are the 6 most common contraception methods to address the issues of unplanned pregnancies. 

1. Condoms

Condom is crucial in preventing semen from entering a woman’s vagina. When using it, you should roll it over an erect penis before engaging in sexual intercourse. You can buy condoms at your nearby drug stores. They are effective contraceptives if you wear them before intercourse and if they do not rip.

2. Cervical Cap

A cervical cap is a thimble-shaped cap that fits comfortably over your cervix. Ensure you coat the cap in spermicide and insert the cap into the vagina and up against the cervix. You are around to insert the cap into your vagina up to six hours before sexual intercourse. You should not remove the cap for about 8 hours after sex. You should go for a pelvic exam to determine if you can use them.

3. Intrauterine Device (IUD)

They are T-shaped, progestin or copper-made devices inserted in your uterus to prevent pregnancy. They function by making your cervical mucus thicker to ensure sperms do not reach the egg. Also, they help thin the uterus lining for menstrual bleeding to become lighter. Once you receive IUD, you can now overlook it as you will not have daily or monthly maintenance.

4. Mini Pills

Normally, they thicken your cervical mucus to ensure the sperm does not reach the egg. Mini pills also make your uterus lining thin, causing lighter menstrual bleeding. You should take these pills at the same time intervals each day to be effective. They are effective for approximately 91% but can go up to 99% if used correctly.

5. Salpingectomy

This procedure entails removing your fallopian tube permanently. As a result, the egg cannot reach your uterus and block the sperms from the fallopian tube where fertilization happens. Your doctor performs the procedure by making 2-3 cuts in your abdomen while you are asleep. Afterward, the provider inserts a laparoscope facilitating the removal of the fallopian tube.

6. Vasectomy

Your physician performs this procedure to seal the vas deferens, the sperm-carrying male tube. With no sperms, no pregnancy can happen. During the process, your surgeon makes a small incision in the scrotum to access the tube, then cuts or ties off the tube. This procedure is effective as there are minimal chances of complications compared to other procedures like laparoscopic salpingectomy.

Choosing the best method can be a difficult thing for you when looking to prevent pregnancy. However, learning more about contraception methods can help you determine which could be effective for you. If you are stuck, consider Aurora OB/GYN in San Antonio, Texas. The center offers comprehensive preventative care, contraception counseling, and aesthetic treatment determined to help women live a quality life. You can call or book online to plan an appointment with the center today.