
Moving Amidst Coronavirus Pandemic: 5 Tips To Make The Process Safe

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Despite the coronavirus pandemic, the moving industry remains available to help people who want to relocate during this time. But due to the threats brought by COVID-19 to everyone’s health and safety, the way people are moving has to change to keep everyone safe from the virus. Luckily, most moving companies have put some protocols in place to make the process less stressful to everyone involved. 

Thus, if you’re moving amidst the pandemic, below are the five tips to consider to ensure a safe and successful transition:

Hire Experienced Movers

While you always have the option to relocate on your own, it’s best if you execute the process with the help of a Moving Company NYC or wherever you may be located. With their skills and expertise, you can make the transition as seamless as possible. Not only that but seeking professional help for this process can help minimize the risk of getting infected with COVID-19. 

Typically, most moving companies create a COVID-19 policy that’ll make sure the relocation process will be as safe as possible. If you’re looking for the right service provider for your upcoming relocation, be sure they do the following:

  • Wearing of face masks and gloves;
  • Wearing of personal protective equipment;
  • Keeping a safe distance from other people;
  • Frequently sanitizing the hands if not using a pair of gloves;
  • Frequently sanitizing the moving truck as well as the tools and equipment;
  • Keeping stocks of hand sanitizers in the moving trucks;
  • Implementing temperature checks and other screening methods necessary to detect the virus. 

Get A Moving Estimate Online

If you have to relocate, it’s a good idea if you consider obtaining a digital in-home estimate than requiring movers to come to your home to conduct an in-person survey. With the coronavirus pandemic in place, several moving companies can provide you with an estimate by viewing at the video of your home or doing an online walkthrough on specific applications such as Skype and FaceTime. 

That said, you should get a moving estimate virtually to ensure everyone’s safety and health throughout the transition. Thanks to some technological advancements because acquiring estimates for your relocation is much easier and faster despite the pandemic. 

Pack Your Belongings 24 Hours Before The Moving Day 

If you intend to pack all your possessions for the relocation, it’s important to get it done 24 hours before the big day. This is to make sure you’ll have enough time to disinfect all your stuff before putting them into their respective boxes.

Moreover, by packing early, you can avoid the possibility of coronavirus contamination in your boxes and other surfaces as they’ll remain untouched at least one day before the professionals’ arrival. As a result, you can protect yourself and your movers from coronavirus infection and transmission. 

Lastly, when tackling the packing process, it’s best if you don’t use recycled or free moving boxes to prevent contamination. Generally, the coronavirus may stay on the cardboards for as long as one day. For this reason, you’re advised to use the ones you have in your home. But in case you need more boxes, you can go to the store and purchase them new. If you can buy them through self-checkout, so do it. You can also rent them from a reputable company that takes safety and sanitation seriously like Boxbee. If you work with them, you know you are getting clean boxes that are safe and ready for use.

Observe Safety Measures During The Big Day 

It’s also important to follow some safety measures during the moving day. With movers who are coming to your home to get your boxes, you need to be extra careful about your safety and health against COVID-19 transmission. For instance, the following are the things you should do on the big day:

  • Wear your mask and gloves when dealing with movers. 
  • If there’s nothing to discuss with the professionals, be sure to keep a safe distance from them throughout the process. 
  • Put sanitizers and other hygiene products in every corner of your house for everyone to use. 
  • Always sanitize your hands after touching surfaces and other objects
  • Conduct temperature checks before letting movers come inside your house. 

Inform Your Movers If You Or Someone In The Family Has Symptoms

When moving during the pandemic, transparency is an essential factor that you should consider to keep everyone safe. This means that if you or anyone in your family is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, be sure to notify your service provider as early as you can. 

While they can still pursue the process, most Manhattan moving companies or wherever you may be located, will have to implement some protocols to protect everyone. This is to ensure that proper steps are taken to make the whole relocation safe and healthy. 

Wrapping Up

With everyone’s health that’s at stake, it’s crucial to be smart in executing your house move. Luckily, following the tips mentioned above can go a long way in keeping everyone involved safe throughout the transition. Remember, your health should be your top priority during these unfortunate times.