
6 Signs That Tell You a Child Is Sick

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Illness is difficult for kids because they can find it hard to express what they are experiencing.

So while they are learning to speak, it is important for you to understand when a child is showing symptoms and behaviours that signal that it might be unwell. Anger and irritability are two of the emotions a child might be experiencing when sick. Also because it can be very hard on a child not to be understood, these misbehaviours should be examined closely and comforted, instead of being punished.

Read ahead to know about the signals that can tell you a child is sick:


It is very common for children to have fever. So instead of being distressed, use a thermometer to check the child’s temperature and consult a medical professional if the temperature is over 38–39 degrees centigrade. For symptoms like chronic headache, one can consult a chiropractor for headaches.

If the fever lasts longer than 5 days, there might be some serious illness. Make sure that the child isn’t over dressed, and offer cool drinks or food items. They might complain of tastelessness. So feed only as much as the body can take.


Seizures or fits can occur when there is a disruption to the electrical activity in the brain. In the worst case scenario, fits can affect one part of the body (called focal seizures) or the whole body (called generalised seizures). Rarely, fits can be a sign of an infection such as an abnormal growth like a tumour, or an underlying condition like epilepsy.

Lie them down to prevent them from hurting themselves

Breathing trouble

In situations where a child is experiencing some respiratory distress, try to keep them calm and consult a medical professional to know your remedial options and check if inhalers can help the child. Advantages of inhalers is that they allow immediate application, need no preparation, they are portable and cost effective. One can also consult a chiropractor for kids for a drug-free method to get rid of the breathing problems.

The Albuterol class of inhalers provide a quick relief solution and help to deal with asthma and chronic bronchitis. Inhalers also help reduce other non-infectious respiratory problems.

If they show signs of blueness around the mouth or lips, get help right away.


Children with sensitive stomachs tend to throw up whatever they have eaten or drunk or coloured stomach juices. They can throw up for lots of reasons:

  • severe indigestion and headaches
  • dehydration
  • blockage in the gut
  • Stomach conditions like pyloric stenosis in babies

Blood poisoning

In case of rashes which do not fade away when pressed or get better by themselves, it is a case of medical emergency and needs immediate help from a medical professional.

Despite its name, blood poisoning has nothing to do with poisoning and yet it can be fatal. In blood poisoning, a bacteria gets in the bloodstream and can cause sepsis and meningitis. Some people are more susceptible than others, and prompt diagnosis and treatment are essential for treating blood poisoning. Some common causes include abdominal poisoning and an infected insect bite.


Any child who doesn’t drink enough water or can’t keep enough water inside due to diarrhea, is susceptible to dehydration. As a result they’ll pass less tears and urine.

Treatment involves rehydration through direct water intake through mouth or in emergency cases, through intravenous fluids. A good way to get enough water into their bodies is through water-based juices or ice-lollies.