
 Tips To Have A Peaceful Sleep

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Regular exercise and a healthy diet are important but a good night’s sleep is equally critical for the overall wellbeing of a person. Lack of sleep impacts cognitive functioning, hormonal imbalance, obesity and an increase in the risk of chronic diseases. Hence it is necessary to have a peaceful sleep to optimize your health. Here are some tips to sleep better:

Take in Bright Light during the Day

The body has an internal clock called the circadian rhythm which tells you when to stay awake and when to sleep. Sunlight exposure during the day helps to keep this internal clock healthy and ticking properly. That, in turn, has a positive effect on the hormones, mind, and body. Bright light exposure also leads to better day time energy, better quality and longer duration of sleep at night. 

Studies conducted on elders on bright light exposure shows that they had at least 2 hours of increase in the sleep at night. It was found that even people with severe sleep issues like insomnia also gained from bright light exposure and had a longer duration of sleep. 

If getting natural daylight is not practical for you, make do with artificial lights. 

Avoid Naps during the Day

People who are unable to sleep well at night end up taking day time naps which further impacts the nightcap. So it is best to avoid long daytime naps especially if you have trouble falling and staying asleep at night. Another impact of day time snoozing is that it leaves the circadian rhythm confused which again results in sleep struggles at night. 

If you feel extremely groggy during the day time a short nap of no more than 30 minutes may be advantageous. The best time for the sleep of such a small duration is before noon as it does not impact sleep at night and also helps in improved brain functioning. 

Maintain a Proper Sleep Schedule

The body’s internal clock is set in such a way that it adjusts according to the sunrise and sunset. Hence it is essential to be consistent with the sleep-wake up time so that it does not affect the circadian rhythm. Try to wake up and sleep at the same time even on weekends and holidays to set the internal clock. Irregular sleep patterns alter the rhythm and leave the internal clock confused and also impairs the melatonin levels which is a hormone that helps inducing sleep. By maintaining a proper sleep schedule you can get the right quantity and quality of sleep. 

Avoid Alchohol before Bed Time

After a stressful day at work, you may feel that you deserve that extra drink or two. But that can majorly impact your sleep and even the hormones by altering the melatonin. As per a study, alcohol drinking at night can increase HGH, which results in altering the internal clock. Moreover, consuming alcohol can also lead to snoring, disturbed sleep and if you have sleep apnea it can increase its symptoms. Avoid alcohol for a good night’s nap.

Create a Sleep Haven

For a quality snooze, it is important to have a good bedroom environment so that it becomes a sleep haven. Make sure that the room you sleep in has the right temperature set so that it is neither too hot nor too cold, there is not much bright light which hampers sleep or external noise that can wake you up from your snooze. Ensure that the room is clutter-free and the furniture is organized to give the bedroom a clean and tidy look. All this helps in getting a good sleep on your Comfort mattress. 

Reduce Blue Light Exposure

Natural sunlight exposure is good for the body as it regulates the internal clock. But blue light exposure before bed has a reverse impact on the body and affects sleep. Due to the blue light exposure at night, the brain thinks it is daytime and does not produce enough melatonin which affects sleep. The light that is emitted from smartphones, TV, and computers all come under this category and hence it is best to avoid using it a few hours before bed. 

Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise is one of the best ways of improving the quality of sleep. It is known to even help people with insomnia. Additionally, it also helps in falling asleep faster and reduce nighttime wakefulness. Regular exercise is needed for a good nightly snooze, it is an established fact but the key is when to do it. The maximum benefits can be gained when you do it early in the morning as it improves alertness and also releases happy hormones. But if it is done close to bedtime it can impact your sleep. 

Use The Right Mattress and Pillow

One of the most important tools for a good night’s sleep is that perfect mattress and pillow which offers the right comfort and support. If you sleep on sagging or worn mattress or pillow it can affect your sleep and in turn, your health. It can also lead to back, neck and shoulder pain and that makes you less productive during the day. It is recommended that you change the mattress every 7 to 8 years and the pillow every 1 to 1.5 Years to prevent sleeplessness due to a bad mattress. 

The choice of mattress is based on personal preferences but if you are waking up with stiffness in the back, pain or aches then an orthopaedic mattress is a good choice. Wakefit ortho mattress is one such, it contours to the body shape and offers support and comfort. 

Unwind before you Sleep

Incorporate activities that help your mind and body to relax and unwind before you hit the sack. Listening to music, reading a book, taking a warm shower, deep breathing and meditation are some of the activities that help in relaxation. If you have had a stressful day, write down your thoughts to clear your mind. 

As per studies, insufficient sleep is seen to have an increase in obesity and other issues in both adults and children. Studies have concluded that not getting the required sleep of 7 to 8 hours raises the risk of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Hence to prevent all these conditions and to maintain proper health peaceful sleep becomes essential. Follow the above tips and sleep well and stay healthy!