
Dealing with Sleep Apnea: What Are Your Options?

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Sleep apnea can be a potentially serious sleep disorder that affects your breathing, causing it to stop and start. If you feel tired and rundown after a full night’s sleep or you snore loudly, these are tell-tale signs that you may have sleep apnea. 

Once you have visited your doctor and been diagnosed with sleep apnea, the next step you need to take is to treat it. There are numerous tactics that you can adopt in your day to day life that may help if you have mild sleep apnea. Here are some tips that can help.

Lose Weight

Losing weight may help in relieving constriction to your throat. If you are concerned about your weight, there are various tips that you can take on board, such as eating a high protein breakfast, incorporating plenty of fruits and vegetables into your diet, drinking water before meals, as well as choosing weight-loss friendly foods. We’re all aware of how important it is to follow a balanced diet, so if you need guidance, speaking to your doctor should be your first port of call.

Establish a Sleep Schedule

Apnea episodes are known to decrease when you’re well-rested, so establishing a sleep schedule can add structure to your day and get you into a much-needed routine. If your body clock is all over the place, this can play havoc with your sleep, so practicing relaxation techniques, exercising daily and creating a relaxing environment can all help in establishing a sleep schedule. Make sure that you listen to your body and go to sleep and wake up at the same time (even on the weekend!)

Prevent Snoring

To prevent or quiet snoring, there are numerous methods that you can try out. These sleeping strips are the key to better sleep for many people who have sleep apnea. In addition to sleeping strips, altering your sleeping position and raising the head of your bed can contribute towards getting a better night’s sleep and helping with your sleep apnea. 

Try Yoga

Strengthening your heart and increasing your energy levels are just a couple of benefits that regular exercise can bring. If you’re wanting to improve sleep apnea, improve your respiratory strength, as well as encourage oxygen flow, yoga could be the right option for you. Sleep apnea is linked with a decreased oxygen saturation in your blood, so to improve oxygen levels, yoga can reduce the number of sleep interruptions that you may experience. There are many physical benefits that you can gain from yoga, such as increased flexibility, muscle strength, and helping to improve circulatory and cardio health.

Use a Humidifier

A humidifier is a device that adds moisture to the air. If you have dry air in your room, this can irate your body and its respiratory system. To decrease congestion, open your airways, and encourage clearer breathing, using a humidifier is another option you should consider. To get the maximum benefit from a humidifier, you should consider using peppermint or lavender, which are essential oils that are known to provide soothing and anti-inflammatory benefits.

Avoid Caffeine 

If you have sleep apnea, it’s best to cut down or eliminate caffeine altogether from your diet. For those who can’t function without their cup of joe, it’s best to stick to drinking coffee in the morning. Monitoring your intake of caffeine can help you get a good night’s rest and wake up feeling full of energy and rejuvenated. 

Using any of the lifestyle remedies listed above can play their part in helping you get control of your sleep apnea. Making lifestyle changes can help to aid sleep and improve your quality of life.