
HIPAA and text messaging: How to safely communicate with patients

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Patient-related care is the main reason behind the clinician’s text on the job. Text messaging makes communications more comfortable, but these primary texts are not secure, placing systems at risk — the results in non-compliance fines with HIPAA GOVERNANCE.

But is text messaging HIPAA compliant?

The general answer is no but there are a lot of instances where the SMS texts can be HIPAA compliant. HIPAA basically safeguards the texts so that it can keep the protected health information safe. It ensures the information will be confidential and there are a certain controls as to who can access the text or the PHI.

TextMessaging provides a solution to this problem by giving HIPAA objection texting for sending and receiving the patient messages. It keeps the system free from any obligations.

Key Features for the users of text messager

·    Message Status

With text messaging apps such as Halo Messaging, each message is approved with date and time and also notifies when a message is sent or delivered and read. Hence, it is HIPAA compliant and there is absolutely no problem using this app.

·    Patient-Centric Messaging

Standard texting apps do not contain healthcare functionality for the text that is essential for the patients. This functionality includes an additional ADT feeding and necessary patient information attaching feature. Halo app is having this specific feature inbuilt. Thus making texts secure and removing any kind of uncertainty.

·    Text Messager Gatekeeper

Gatekeeper is used as a medium to prevent all those interruptions while taking care and allows the members to filter the messages. It also alerts if there is any intended recipient. It also offers a great platform for flexible administration as well as functional activities. 

·    Auto-Forwarding with Sender Notification

With the help of auto-forwarding with sender notification, you can forward relate messages to another user for a fixed time. As a sender, you will also receive a notification about the recipient right before sending a mail.

·    Urgent Message

With Halo’s HIPAA compliant texting app, a user can mark a message as urgent and different sounds can be set for different categories of messages. With this feature, you can filter out the necessity of a received message. 

·    Groups

Create private groups (My Staff) or spontaneous ad hoc groups by adding users to threads for HIPAA secure messaging, similar to the native functionality of iOS and Android messaging apps.

·    Off Duty with Emergency Override

Users can set themselves “Off Duty,” specifying the date and time they are off. Emergency Override is a property of requested by physicians that allow the sender to override the Off Duty notification in cases of a real emergency and send the message anyway.

·    Quick Notes

Text messager like Halo Messaging makes the commonly used HIPAA secure texting system that is easily accessible by allowing users to select from an extensive list of pre-populated messages to facilitate quick replies. Users can also create customized responses.

·    Backup Escalation

HIPAA text messaging requires delivery redundancy for critical situations. If a recipient does not receive a message within a set period, the message can escalate to another user.

·    Physician National Database

Halo Messaging showcases a nationwide database of all providers with an active NPI. This feature lets the halo users identify other halo users around the globe. For HIPAA compliant communication, the users receive an invitation from a physician and Halo authenticate such as messages and invitations.

·    Safe Text

 The safe text allows the users to initiate a new thread of messaging with the recipients.

·    Message Reminders

Message Reminder is used for ensuring whether a message is read or sent. The automatic reminder notification sends messages to the recipients within a fixed time interval. It is also suitable for notification, email as well as voicemail reminders.

·    Mute Threads

Users can mute threads where message notifications have become a distraction. This property will only soften the audible new message notification.

·    Connectivity Meter

HIPAA messaging requires constant communication thread, and with Halo Messaging, you can gain the much-needed belief on settings as well as Org pages for the verification of connectivity. There is a customized org screen which is the mobile portal of the organization. It has all the details right from the provider’s list, staff list or call schedules, surveys, latest updates. It can have everything which the organizations want to make everyone know.

·    Voice Command

The voice command is suitable for voice dictation using Siri as well as Google Assitant. You can remove this feature as per your wish.

·    Preview Recipients

A review recipient is all about message composition, and it offers you an option to know when the user forwards a message.

·    Notifier

TheNotifier comes up every time there is a new message. It is quite compatible with single sign-on solutions as well as exclusive workstations. Some text messaging apps such as Halo provides timely notifier services.


Hence, this is Halo messaging app is HIPAA compliant and once you use it, you will understand that this does not break any rules.