
Top 10 Blogging Mistake which you do

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Top 10 Blogging Mistakes which you do. In Today’s Era Blogging has become an essential part of Businessman life. Cause Google Only Works on Content so it’s the only and best way to generate traffic and rankings. However many persons are there who don’t know what is the proper way to do blogging how to approach it. The genre of blogging is quite tricky and requires the right steps to create a successful one. Here are 10 blogging mistakes which you do: 

Unable to understand the audience

Audience targetting is the main thing in blogging. Bloggers need to understand what information the audience already knows. Based on this, they need to frame their post and ensure they deliver the right content.

Do not have a strong niche

You can not serve everything for everyone. One of the biggest mistakes bloggers does try to cater to all. On the other hand, bloggers need to define their mission and create a niche for what they feel strongly about.

Ex: You take a subcategory movie so rather than focus on the movie you need to focus on some specialization like a vintage movie. With this tactic, your cost less content but more relevant traffic.

Dealing with ideas that only are of your interest 

Just because an idea interests you does not mean it will interest the audience as well. 

Failing to capture leads

Just writing a blog and leaving it to provide an outcome is baseless. Instead, collect emails, and it tends to generate a great return on investment. Use the best technique of SEO i.e. On-page and off-page SEO. By doing so you can able to generate more ROI.

Absence of compelling headline

The headline is the label of a package and needs to be created accordingly. One of the biggest mistakes is the inability to engage readers with a strong headline. 

Writing about broad topics

If you are a new blogger, diving straight into broad topics might be difficult. Instead, create very specific content that will help in easy lead conversion. 

No plagiarism check

Duplicate content is a highly penalized act; rather learn to cite the resources. SEO service helps in delivering SEO-friendly content. 

Concentrating on yourself

If you are writing about yourself, you need to stop doing that. You need to write about something that your readers will find useful reading about. 


Occasional blogging is the inconsistency often created by bloggers. You might feel as though you have nothing to post about, and that creates an inconsistency. So you need to forget about that and be a regular blogger.

Thinking that all post will get viral

As a content creator, you might feel that each blog will go viral. For viral content, research your topics well. Research about the latest topic that generally people search. You can take the help of any free or paid tool. Google trends is also a great tool who can search there and find what is currently trending.

Everyone makes a mistake but important is how one learns from their mistake and mold that mistake in a positive sense. Find how these 10 mistakes can be avoided.