
6 Tips to Help Prepare Organizations for Telework During the Coronavirus

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The pandemic caused by coronavirus has impacted how organizations function globally. Most of which have started to ask employees to telework from the comforts of their homes. This is the first time such a step has been taken in modern history which makes it difficult to ensure that organizations are actually equipped to not suffer from such a step. 

The following tips from serial entrepreneur and experienced teleworker, Sidd Pagidipati, will help organizations prepare for teleworking so they don’t end up losing too much of their profit during the times of corona.

Set an Infrastructure 

One of the biggest issues organizations face is not having an infrastructure set for telework. From ensuring your employees have the internet at home to using the right software to communicate and delegate work such as Slack or Asana. For most companies’ security and privacy, protocols are also important so you want to have the right system in place for that also. 

Employees will also require the proper equipment which they have access to at the office but not at home. Not everyone will have a laptop, printer, and other office equipment at home. Make sure the organization provides them with what they need to telework effectively. 

Take advantage of the cloud

There are numerous cloud applications that can come in handy when it comes to teleworking. You can even get your CRM on to the cloud so your employees can access client information from their homes. At this time, you want to have as much on the cloud as possible so employees can access software and information they need when they need it. 

Take security precautions

With things on the cloud, you can limit the employees that have access to the software and information with the help of “application gateways.” This serves as a firewall for cloud-based software and limits access to only those that are granted. 

Communicate properly

A lot can be lost when you communicate remotely with your employees. Just sending a message on Slack may not be enough. You will want to send a message through email or message them to let them know you’ve sent details on Slack. You need to be proactive to ensure that work is done, in a way “over-communicate.” 

Check-in with your employees

With everyone working on their own, it can be difficult for them to get the sense that they are still part of a team. Check up on your employees from time to time and host digital meetings with the whole team. This will remind them they are not working alone and will also give them the chance to discuss projects and come up with solutions as a team.

Give employees time

 Be more understanding of your employees as they have things to do around the house also. Don’t expect tasks to be completed immediately, give them time. At work, they don’t have as many distractions so they can tend to tasks immediately whereas at home they have family and other things to look after especially at a time of such an Existential crisis. Also, don’t expect them to give the whole 8 hours to work as they would do in the office. 

Final Thought

These are difficult times and as the head of an organization, you need to be more understanding and care for the wellness of your employees. For teleworking to workout for your organization, you just need the right infrastructure in place and ensure proper communication between everyone within the organization. Only then can teleworking be effective.