
Traffic Tickets for Delaying Traffic: What You Should Know

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One of the traffic citations you may receive while driving is for delaying traffic. This is a broad citation that can include everything from operating a vehicle that is loaded or constructed in a way as to be likely to delay traffic, to sitting on a freeway on- or off-ramp too long, thereby blocking other cars from using it. Other reasons you may issue this citation include:

  • Speeding
  • Tailgating
  • Failure to maintain your lane
  • Any other behaviors that disrupt traffic flow

This type of ticket can be a bit of a catch-all for any number of moving violations. It’s a good idea to contact a traffic attorney San Francisco if you need an explanation of what your citation means. The question remains, however, if you are issued a traffic ticket for delaying traffic, how should you act and what steps should you take?

How To Handle A Delaying Traffic Ticket

The good news is that this ticket typically carries a low fine and adds zero points to your license. If you are comfortable paying the fine and want as little fuss as possible, go ahead and do that. It most likely will not affect your driving status or your car insurance. If you want to contest the ticket due to concerns about future implications, or if you believe the police officer was wrong, reach out to lawyers that help with traffic tickets for counsel.

Your traffic attorney can help you contest the ticket to get the fine reduced or perhaps waived entirely. Some steps you can take include:

  1. Your attorney may negotiate with the district attorney to dismiss your case. If you have a good driving record and the police officer made a mistake, this is worth a try. Otherwise it’s probably a long shot.
  2. Research the statute of the law you violated. Did you violate all the conditions of the law or only some of them? Your lawyer can argue to dismiss if you did not violate a part of the law.
  3. If speed is involved, was your speed determined by radar gun? The officer must be certified in using radar guns. Your attorney can also check to see if the gun has been properly calibrated.
  4. Your state may prohibit speed traps. If the officer was well-concealed, your attorney can argue that it was an illegal traffic stop.

How To Work With Your Attorney

To do the best job for you, your attorney is going to need a certain amount of cooperation. Be open with your attorney in your discussions. Explain what happened clearly and truthfully. Photos of the location where the moving violation occurred, maps of the road and the surrounding area, and diagrams that show the location of objects are all helpful. You also have the right to present witnesses. Let your attorney know about and talk to any people who were in the car with you when the event occurred.

If you are concerned about traffic tickets Los Angeles or any other city, get an attorney on your side today.