
How to Add Variations to Amazon Listings in 2021

4 Mins read

Preference is an important factor in the shopping model which is why Amazon advertising focuses on it more. Every person has their specification, likes, and dislikes. The change of preference can be seen in Amazon buyers as they tend to buy a thing from all categories and sub-categories. Everyone can not like the same thing when it comes to sizing aspects and colors. This is why there is huge variation in the listing on Amazon. This whole phenomenon is Amazon product listing variation or parent-child listing.

Due to Variation in specifications of Amazon users, it is important to have multiple options for every singular item within the listing. If there are multiple options and variations of products in your listing, then you are prone to have more customers since you are providing multiple products in different shapes and colors. Your products will sell more quickly compared to those listings which do not have variation in it. This also amounts to increasing customer usability as you are providing them multiple options at once so they can choose from whatever size and color they want. this also increases the chances of consistent sales for a seller on Amazon.

Defining Listing Variations

On records of the Amazon marketing agency, it is a very simple concept half providing multiple options within your product listing as a seller. This also accommodates multiple products on a sale under a singular list. This provides Easter customers as they can choose from multiple specifications like size and color for an item of choice such as shirts, jeans, etc. The concept of the listing is made up of three men aspects which are given below:

  • Parent ASIN: This is a listing that holds the sub listings filled with items that are purchasable while the parent listing can’t be purchased. It is just a frame that holds the items that can be bought.
  • Child ASIN: This can be called the inner mutable substance within the parent ASIN. They can be singular or more. These can be bought by the buyers and they can subscribe to these products as well. For instance, pink shirts and blue socks, etc.
  • Variation theme: This is a factor that is the backbone of the whole concept, it includes variation in certain product specifications such as color, size, etc. There can be multiple themes with various other specifications some might have small, some might have large. You need to make sure to use a singular theme in one listing. However, some categories combine one or two teams in two variations. For example, if you are a seller selling T-shirts then you can take two variations such as size and color. This way you can post that same product in multiple ways. Add up your specifications according to size and color, in case you think something needs to be removed or added you can add or remove it later through editing the tools given by Amazon.

Adding Variation in Amazon listing

The first and main thing to understand is the fact that not every category is eligible for creating variations in your listings. This is why as a seller you need to make sure that you check the type of listing before thinking of adding any kind of variation regarding the product into it. Most of the common categories that can include variations within them are common products. Following are some categories that allow product variations.

  • Children games
  • Board games
  • Toys
  • Outdoor activities stuff
  • Sports gear
  • Health supplements
  • Beauty products
  • Clothing items
  • Accessories
  • Footwear

Following is how you add variation in listing:

Make a New Listing Variation

Among many ways of creating listing variations, two main ways can be used to make a new listing or a new parent listing, or a new child listing on Amazon. If you believe in manual settings you can opt for choosing seller center there you can fill up your variations into your file of inventory. You can also opt for the dashboard as it will help you through the listing by adding the products into it.  This is where you opt for the new entry by clicking the I’m adding a product not being sold on Amazon.

This would get you to a new category where you can choose from existing sections and find a category where your product can be situated into. While choosing a specific listing category make sure to see that the category has similar functionality product says your product. Now that you have clarified the category in which your product would be situated, the next step is to go to a new page where you will be required to fill up the product information. following are the information needed regarding the product:

  1. The name of the product
  2. The brand of the product
  3. The manufacturer of the product

Now is the time to choose the theme of the variation that you are adding, take into consideration the function that your product provides, and then choose the specific theme. Then click on add variations and enter the following requirements for FBA purposes:

  1. The idea of the product
  2. Type of the product ID
  3. Conditions
  4. Prize
  5. Quantity of the product

Lastly, all you need to do is go on the dashboard and click on Save and Finish. After that wait for about a quarter of an hour and go to the elementary management section for the listing.

Make Variation Through Inventory File

This is the part where you add the products by the upload option. once the product is listed go to the general template for getting the specified template. Now fill up all the needed information within the template, this is where the system will pick up all the variables as well as the listing through the system to see whether it is legitimate or not.

Add ASINs to Variations and Use the Amazon Wizard

At this stage you need to focus on the following things:

  1. Download a suitable category
  2. Create parent and child SKU
  3. Combine the parent and child variants through the manual provided on the dashboard.
  4. Validate the listing through Amazon wizard.