
How to Establish a Smart Building Using IoT Technology?

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People often wonder how smart buildings impact businesses ’ profitability and quality of life so significantly. Many companies are thinking of taking the IoT technology route to make their business more profitable. However, it is not a layman’s job to understand the IoT concept and its seamless integration within a building. There are a lot of things that go behind in making a building smart. Smart building solutions can vary depending upon the need of a person or a business. The IoT sensors and devices are interlinked together to form an automated building that serves various purposes.  

Ways to manage a smart building using an IoT system:

Despite their tremendous benefits and ridiculous RoI, IoT devices are still not as common as they should be, and the sole reason behind this is the lack of general knowledge and understanding of how they can benefit a business. Here are a few of the many advantages and ways of integrating IoT devices into your smart building:

  1. Better monitoring system 

The IoT systems work seamlessly to interlink various building systems and monitor them through a centralized hub. There are different kinds of monitoring systems; one that collects data and monitors energy consumption. There are many nooks and crannies of a building that needs constant monitoring to serve the purpose of a smart building. Security is one of them; hence, regular data collection helps make viable decisions to enhance smart buildings’ functioning. 

  1. Automated switches  

Energy efficiency is one of the things that makes smart buildings better than ordinary buildings. The smart regulators and different kinds of automatic sensor switches help achieve the ultimate smart building agendas. The highly efficient IoT systems help in collection of data and proper working of the sensor systems. Whenever a room is unoccupied, the lights switch off automatically. All the bulbs and lights have different energy saving mechanisms which helps in reducing the energy consumption significantly. Overall, smart buildings reduce energy consumption by 30% each month which is significant for users. 

  1. Easy BMS upgrades:

Gone are the days of bulky sensors that required power and a data cable attached to them to function. Modern IoT devices are battery powered and wireless, allowing you to install them anywhere and everywhere at a moment’s notice. The battery allows these devices to function even if your building goes off-grid, and the wireless connectivity allows you to gain insight from any part of your building without having to run ethernet cables to that area.

These new IoT devices are also often compatible with older ethernet powered devices, so you don’t have to replace the whole building management system at once. But the additional benefits of a unified and streamlined platform and flexible network configuration allow you to use these devices the way that suits your needs. Not to mention the automation capabilities and ability to execute scheduled workflows are a godsend for many scenarios.

  1. Improves efficiency 

The automatic data collection systems within the building are the best way to optimize the living standard. Smart buildings are designed in a way that all the data is collected with time to analyze the improvements. The maintenance budget is allocated smartly, and people do not have to spend their money on unnecessary things. All major building areas have technology backups, which warns the user if any uncertainty arises. The monitoring system also helps a user in utilizing the space better. In the long-run, a user can save money as all the systems work in sync to optimize efficiency. 

Smart building is the world’s future as it helps achieve sustainability goals and maintains a high living standard.