
Worker’s compensation guide

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Accidents or injuries can occur in all work areas, including offices, construction sites and factories. As a result, you may need compensation from the company that may come in many forms, including medical coverage or partial repayment of your wages. East Brunswick worker’s compensation program provides a credible process that helps you file for the compensation claim and undergo personalized treatment plans that help with quick recovery.

What is worker’s compensation?

Worker’s compensation is a business insurance program usually mandated by the government to provide medical coverage, cash benefits or both to employees who get injured or ill due to their work. Insurance is done for injuries or illnesses that occur directly due to your work. Therefore, your employer will require you to complete specific steps, including a medical examination from an approved medical provider.

What are the common workplace-related injuries?

·         Overexertion of the muscles leads to sprains, strains and tears. This type of pain could be caused by a wrong lifting technique, lifting heavy objects and repetitively doing some work with no breaks.

·         Slips and falls due to icy or wet floors, skyscraper construction and holes or poor lifting on the floor.

·         Exposure to hazardous environments without protection can lead to injuries. For example, those who work in loud areas could have ear damage, and those working around harmful chemicals could have breathing problems.

·         Fire and explosions, which are not too familiar, can cause severe tissue damage and potentially cause disfigurement.

·         Violence in the workplace. Confrontations with fellow employees can lead to aggressive behavior, including physical assault and harassment.

What is the process of filing a worker’s compensation claim?

Get emergency treatment

It is essential to get immediate medical attention from the emergency office to prevent the worsening of the injury. It helps in assessing the extent of the damage.

Report the injury to the supervisor

Reporting the injury should be done as soon as possible as some governments or states state deadlines on reporting the injuries. You can do this through a written notice to the employer. With injuries or illnesses that may surface over time, the employee should report the condition to the employer as soon as possible.


The employer then uses your notice to provide you with your rights and worker’s compensation benefits. Usually, you are given a compensation claim form to fill out detailing where, when and how the injury occurred. Your employer then uses the documents to file the claim and report the damage. The insurance company then rejects or accepts the claim.

Mid Atlantic Orthopedic Associates LLP offers complete medical exams needed to file the compensation and personalized treatments. The teams of experts begin by asking questions about the injury and the symptoms you have. They then do examinations that may include doing X-rays on-site and assess the extent of the damage and the impact it could have on you.

Call Mid Atlantic Orthopedic Associates LLP or book an appointment online for expert treatment on an injury acquired at work.