
Top Side Hustles Everyone Should Try for Extra Money

3 Mins read

Not everyone is happy with the money they receive from their 9 to 5, and for some people, it’s not about the money but about having more doors open and getting experience where they can. You may already have a side hustle, a job you do on the side of your full-time income, or perhaps you’re just looking into the best option for you. Either way, there are tons of side hustles you could pursue. 

The world is your oyster when it comes to creating a side hustle for yourself, all we would say is to clear it with your current employer before. If you don’t do this (as it’s not legally required unless stated in your work contract) then just ensure you don’t do any business that is related to your full-time job as this is a conflict of interest and is more immoral than illegal. 

Are you interested in finding out the different side hustles you could pursue if you have the time and effort? We have put together a list of the top 7 side hustles for you to try out. Don’t worry, they don’t require extensive capital to start up either, they’re accessible to almost everyone. To succeed in your side hustle, you simply need motivation, encouragement and great time management skills. 

Be a Freelancer

Do you have a passion or skill that people would find helpful and want to hire you for? While many pursue freelancing as their full-time gig and decide to quit their jobs before doing so, it’s open to anyone. Whether you’re a writer or a graphic designer, there will be someone who needs your services out there in the world. What’s great about freelancing is the freedom to work when and where you want too. Do you want to do your work on a beach in Thailand and have got your laptop? No problem, that’s perfectly possible! Both Upwork and Freelancers are great websites to sign up for and join if you want to join the freelancing community. 

Start Your Own Small Business

Despite what people think, starting your own business isn’t as difficult as it initially seems. Smaller businesses with a small turnover don’t require as much paperwork as those huge corporate companies which mean you’re able to start one if you want too. With the accessibility of the internet too, it’s never been easier to start a little business and buy from smaller businesses too. However, if you’re an eCommerce business selling products to consumers then you will have to make sure your website is built correctly and reflects your brand’s personality. Websites like are beautifully created and show that as long as your eCommerce business has a solid and clear website then people will purchase from you or use the services you’re providing. 

Become an Online Tutor

Are you a university student or someone who would say they’re educated to a high level? Why not try online tutoring? It’s a flexible and easy way to make money online, plus, it gives you experience working with younger people or those who need tutoring and mentoring. Whether your specialty is mathematics, or you’re more of a girl who loves Shakespeare, there will be someone needing your help online. Set yourself up on a tutoring website and tell them what your topics are, then you will see the requests for tutoring come flying into your inbox. One thing we would recommend is to keep your prices lower, especially when you start as there will be competition and price is often a deciding factor for people. 

Try Dog Walking

Do you love walking your dog? Perhaps you’re an animal lover but there isn’t a way to have a dog in your home? Either way, dog walkers are much-needed people within society but the lack of knowledge about people needing them means people avoid offering this as one of their services. Full-time workers may not be able to do this job but those who work shifts (such as nights or early days) will be able to help out others and walk their dog for them. This is great for any dog as it gives them someone new to connect with but also it’s great to get their exercise in too!

Start a Dropshipping Store

Dropshipping is a relatively new phenomenon but it’s taking off in the eCommerce world, especially for people who can’t afford the start-up capital for a stock for normal business. Rather than ordering a wide variety of stock that may never get bought, dropshipping means you’re able to create a website in which people order from and the order goes from the warehouse/factory straight to the delivery address. As the dropship store owner, you never see or touch the products (if you don’t want to!) which is great for ease and means you can do it in your spare time too.