
Can Apple Trees Help Save The Planet?

2 Mins read

Growing trees can help us save the planet. Trees are great when it comes to reducing pollution. Both ornamental and fruit trees pump out oxygen and filter harmful pollutants in the air. 

Planting and growing trees is easier than you may think. If you don’t have a lot of space available, or maybe just a terrace, you can still grow trees. 

Of course, you have to choose the trees you want to grow. Many of us who have limited space available think that we can only grow ornamental trees. However, thanks to new exciting varieties of apple trees, there is no reason why you can’t turn your small patch into a productive haven. 

What Are The Benefits of Growing Fruit Trees? 

The main benefit of growing fruit trees such as apple trees, is that you can enjoy the fruits of your labour. Apples are easy to turn into apple based products including pies and apple sauce. Nothing is easier than making your own apple butter. All you need is a sweet apple and cinnamon. Place in a slow-cooker and about eight hours later you have a delicious apple butter. 

Fruit trees are great for attracting pollinators. The UK bee population has once again started to thrive since more of us started to plant fruit trees in our garden. 

Where Can I Buy Fruit Trees?

You will find fruit trees for sale in your local garden centre. The only problem is that many of the fruit trees you find in the garden centre, are what is best called run of the mill varieties. 

When you would like to grow something different, it is a good idea to contact a specialist grower. They will talk you through the different varieties of fruit trees for sale and give you advice on which trees will do well in your area. For instance, you may find that a grower is much more likely to have what is often called heritage varieties. 

What are heritage fruit trees? They are varieties of fruit trees that are rare. Many of them have been around for a long time and gone out of fashion. The trend is now for bringing them back again. However, you are not very likely to find them in your local garden centre. 

Planting fruit trees in your garden is a great way of improving the biodiversity. If we all planted a fruit tree in our garden or on our terrace, we would be doing something towards combating climate change.