
Tooth-Colored Fillings: What Are They and What Are the Benefits

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Tooth-colored fillings are non-traditional cosmetic dentistry that improves the appearance and function of your teeth. These porcelain restorations take the form of veneers, crowns, or bridges. Yonkers tooth-colored fillings fill cavities in teeth resulting from decay or injury. The procedure is usually painless since local anesthesia is used.

In some cases, your dentist may recommend that you have tooth-colored fillings instead of white fillings if your teeth are very yellowed or discolored. This is because the tooth-colored filling will help cover up any discoloration in your teeth and make them look whiter.

Here are the benefits of tooth-colored filings;

Tooth-colored fillings benefits

Better appearance: The color of your teeth can make a huge difference in how they look and feel. Teeth that are whiter and more attractive are easier to keep clean, which means they will last longer, thus reducing the need for expensive dental work like root canal treatments.

Faster healing time: The color of a tooth filling is unique to each patient, so the dentists must match the shade of their teeth exactly to achieve optimal results. If your tooth is cracked or chipped, they can even place a small amount of tooth-colored filling material into the gap to help repair it faster and more effectively.

Improved function: A tooth-colored filling will help strengthen the tooth and prevent further damage. Strengthening the tooth will be less likely to break or chip. This can reduce your risk of tooth decay and gum disease and make your smile look better over time.

Treatment for root canal therapy: Tooth-colored fillings have been shown to increase the success rate for root canal therapy compared to conventional white fillings. This is because white fillings do not reflect light well, which may expose the surrounding tissue during treatment. However, tooth-colored fillings appear bright white and may provide additional protection against infection and inflammation due to the light reflected back from its surface.

Reduced sensitivity: You can expect less sensitivity after tooth-colored fillings than after an amalgam filling is placed. In addition, the tooth-colored material will be surrounded by a healthy tooth structure, which helps protect the underlying bone and gum tissue.

Improved breath-ability: Amalgam fillings’ dull, stained appearance can be improved by using a tooth colorant. Tooth-colored fillings are derived from an inorganic material that is safe and non-toxic.

 Reduces pain and swelling: When you have a tooth-colored filling, it reduces the pain and swelling associated with getting fillings done. They are also easier to clean because they do not stain as amalgam fillings do.

Looks better than traditional amalgam fillings: Traditional amalgam fillings have a brownish or grayish tint, making them look unnatural compared to tooth-colored fillings, which look very natural on your teeth.

Tooth-colored fillings are also suitable for patients who have sensitive teeth and dental problems that require special attention. For example, if there are cracks or fissures in the crowns of your teeth, tooth-colored fillings can be used to cover them up. If you need to repair or replace missing areas on your teeth, contact Yonkers Dental Arts experts. They can use tooth-colored fillings as an alternative to composite restoration materials.